The color type of sapphire

The color type of sapphire
The light blue
Blue sapphire is often compared with the color of cornflower. Cornflower blue is usually in the same place as light blue sapphire. In terms of hue and saturation, the colour is somewhere between a lighter light blue and a darker, more intense peacock and royal blue.
The peacock blue
In Sri Lanka, the color of some of the best blue sapphires is comparable to the color of a peacock's neck or tail feathers. It's a bright blue and it's very spectacular.
Velvet blue
Velvet sapphires are one of the connoisseurs' favorite gems. Sapphire has a cobalt blue surface and is mainly produced in Kashmir (India), Sri Lanka and Madagascar.
The royal blue
Of all the sapphire colors, royal blue is the most difficult to display or print on the screen because it is extraterritorial for printing and most computer monitors. It is a vivid blue-violet, deep in tone, concentrated in the delicate sapphire of the mojak quarry in myanmar. In addition to Burma, sapphires are also found in Madagascar and the tonduru region of Tanzania, and smaller sapphires are also found in bahrain (Cambodia) and Nigeria.
Indigo blue
Indigo is a dye traditionally made from indigo and has ancient origins. Nowadays, blue is often seen as the color of blue jeans. This colour differs from cornflower, peacock, velvet and royal blue in that it has a darker hue but slightly less saturation. Indigo sapphires are found in many places, especially basalt deposits. These include Thailand, Madagascar, Australia, China and Nigeria.
From their name to their lavender flowers, these sapphires feature colors ranging from soft lavender to intense violets. The mauve sapphire is mainly produced in Sri Lanka, Burma, Tanzania and Madagascar.
The colour of whisky
The yellow sapphire is in high demand in Thailand and takes its name from the local Mekong whisky. The stones are mainly from chantawari, Thailand. Similarly colored treated stones come from Sri Lanka.
Soft blue
Sapphire not only appears in high saturation, but also in subtle pastel tones. Soft blues come from Sri Lanka, Burma, Kashmir, Madagascar, Tanzania and Montana (USA).
Know the color of sapphire
Color is the most important factor in evaluating colored stones. Generally speaking, the more attractive the color of the stone, the higher the value. Bright, rich and intense colors are often more coveted than those that are too dark or too bright. However, there are exceptions, such as the lovely padparadscha sapphire, which is valued for its soft tones.
Color is usually described in three dimensions: hue, lightness, and saturation.
The position of the color on the color wheel. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. Purple is between red and purple. White and black are colorless because they have no color at all. Brown itself is not a hue, but a series of low (usually high) tones. Classic brown, from yellow to orange.
In general, the gems that most resemble the red, green, and blue (RGB) sensors in our eyes are the most popular. Therefore, colored stones are the trinity, ruby, emerald and sapphire. But in many cases, color is a matter of personal preference, depending on one's particular taste.
Hue describes the brightness or darkness of a color as a function of the absorption of light. White is 0% and black is 100%. At saturation, some colors are darker than others. For example, full-bodied violets are darker than even the most saturated yellows, and the most saturated reds and greens tend to have similar hues. Note that as the saturation increases, the hue increases (as more light is absorbed). However, when a color becomes black, an increase in hue may result in a decrease in saturation.
Color is an important factor to judge the quality of colored stones. Before you buy, it's best to think about the environment in which you're going to use it. Look for gems that look good even at night or in low-light restaurants, as there are usually good gems to wear and look at. You can also observe gems at arm's length and even find attractive gems at a distance. Special gems look good in all lighting conditions and viewing distances.
While some colors are more popular than others, personal preference is also important. Whether indoors, outdoors, day or night, the colors you see should remain attractive.
Saturation (intensity)
The richness of a color, or the difference between a color and colorless (white and black are two colorless colors, each completely devoid of hue). When dealing with gems with the same basic tonal position (i.e. the difference in color quality is mainly related to the difference in saturation, as people are more likely to be attracted to highly saturated colors. Most rubies are more saturated with intense red fluorescence than any other gem.